


Serendipity Organics is soft and natural Danish design, made of pure organic cotton and natural wool for extra comfort and easy wear. Serendipity is a family-driven Danish design company established in 2003. A genuine passion for the soft feel and high quality of natural fibers and materials, as well as a general care for our children and environment, is at the heart of Serendipity Organics.

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We celebrate our 20th anniversary this October you can read more about our journey HERE.

Natural, pure, and sustainable wear is the best choice for our environment, our skin, and our well-being. We are GOTS certified since the beginning of this certification.

Natural, pure, and sustainable wear is the best choice for our environment, our skin, and our well-being. Welcome to our universe of Natural Wear and accessories for Premature & New Born Babies, Boys & Girls 0-11 years and Women.

Design and quality of our garments and products are essential to us. We make an effort to design timeless pieces that are wonderful to wear and durable in use. Our design philosophy and aesthetics are rooted in our Scandinavian heritage.

We love beautiful textiles, and this is the reason we custom design. All colors are carefully coordinated and chosen for each season. Every print is hand drawn by us. All our woven fabric is composed down to the last details of color, thread count, and density.

Our favorite melange yarns are made specially to our requirements, resulting in the softest rib and knit programmes. All in all, we have an unwavering commitment to develop the nicest qualities of textiles for our collections.

We care about people and our planet. We value long-term relationships with our suppliers, as well as 100% respect for human rights for all the people, that put an effort into bringing our quality garments to you.

All our cotton garments and Organic merino wool garments are produced in India and are certified GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), from the cotton fields or grazing areas all the way through the processes of spinning, dying, weaving, knitting, and stitching.

Our Llama and Baby Alpaca Wool qualities are carefully selected to comply with the extraordinary softness of Serendipity. All styles are handmade or semi-handmade with care in small Bolivian home collectives, bringing warm and lovely garments to you.

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